As the flow of explanations bids fair to match the growth in the money supply, Dr Trevithick gives in this Pelican Original-an introductory guide to the problems, the jargon and the panaceas. The characters in his drama includernMilton Friedman, Keynes, Hayek and the 'New School' at Cambridge, while the plot encompasses the Phillips Curve, trade union power, helicopter money, rational expectations, floating currencies, incomes policy, import controls and indexation.rnIn this new edition the author brings us up-to-date with such things as Friedman's Nobel Lecture in 1977, and Lord Kaldor's injection of a new convincingness to the cost-push theory, as well as analysing the latest manifestations of current monetarist orthodoxy in both Britain and North America. He also tells us his view of what will have to be done.
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