Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
Providing straightforward coverage of physical agents to improve patient outcomes, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: From Research to Practice, Fourth Edition the guide to the safest, most effective use of physical agents in your rehabilitation praction. This valuable resource details the most up-to-date information on lasers and light, thermal agents, ultrasound, electrical currents, hydrotherapy, traction. compression Issers, and electromagnetic radiation Expand treatment options and ensure patient safety with... • NEW! Expanded sections on thermal agents and electrical currents reflect the test research and clinical application recommendations NEW! Content specific for Occupational Therapy added to the core text, including upper extremity cases for all physical agent chapters • Application Technique boxes with detailed step-by-step instructions for using all physical agents • Contraindication and precaution boxes with important safety ation Clinical Pearls emphasize key points throughout each chapter • NEW! Video clips on companion Evolve site demonstrate techniques and procedures described in the text.
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